Statistics on children, youth and families in Maryland from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Maryland Center on Economic Policy
Relative rate index at key contact points
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Definition and Source
The Relative Rate Index (RRI) is a measure of Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC) with the juvenile justice system. It is a standardized tool for measuring disproportionality at the various contact points that youth have with the police and DJS.
The RRI measures the disproportionality that exists between minority youth and white youth as it pertains to key contact points with the juvenile justice system.
An RRI of 1.0 indicates no disproportional contact. A rate higher than 1.0 indicates that minority youth are disproportionately over-represented at this decision point, and a rate below 1.0 shows they are under-represented.
S indicates that there were insufficient cases for analysis
Minority youth include: African-American, Asian or Pacific Islander, American Indian or Alaskan Native, and Other/Unknown youth.
The RRI measures the disproportionality that exists between minority youth and white youth as it pertains to key contact points with the juvenile justice system.
An RRI of 1.0 indicates no disproportional contact. A rate higher than 1.0 indicates that minority youth are disproportionately over-represented at this decision point, and a rate below 1.0 shows they are under-represented.
S indicates that there were insufficient cases for analysis
Minority youth include: African-American, Asian or Pacific Islander, American Indian or Alaskan Native, and Other/Unknown youth.
Data Source
Department of Juvenile Services
NA indicates there is no data available or there was an insufficient number of cases for analysis.
Hispanic youth are categorized as 'White' at decision points where arrest data are considered (i.e., Juvenile Arrests Adjusted) because the FBI's Uniform Crime Report does not distinguish Hispanic origin. For all other decision points, Hispanic youth are included in the count of minorities.
Hispanic youth are categorized as 'White' at decision points where arrest data are considered (i.e., Juvenile Arrests Adjusted) because the FBI's Uniform Crime Report does not distinguish Hispanic origin. For all other decision points, Hispanic youth are included in the count of minorities.
Last Updated
March 2024