Change Indicator

Child population by age group in tribal areas in New Mexico

Child population by age group in tribal areas

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Note: Non-consecutive years appear adjacent in the trend line
because one or more years have been deselected.

Definition and Source



The number of children birth to age 17 by age group and by percentage of overall population. Data for New Mexico reflect the number of children in each age group throughout the state and the corresponding percentage of the total state population. Data for tribal areas reflect the number of children in each age group for each tribal area and the corresponding percentage of the overall tribal population.

Data Source

U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 5-year estimates, Table B01001.


Data for the tribal areas refer only to individuals living in those jurisdictions and do not include those living in other rural areas or cities within New Mexico. Data for all tribal areas reflect only those living on the portion of the tribal area that is located in New Mexico, e.g., Navajo and Zuni. 
The vast majority of individuals living in most tribal areas are, themselves, Native Americans. Those who are not Native American alone can be either a different race entirely, or may be two or more races, with Native American being one of those races.

Last Updated

December 2023