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Home visiting programs funding in Illinois

Home visiting programs funding

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Note: Non-consecutive years appear adjacent in the trend line
because one or more years have been deselected.

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Definition and Source



Home visiting programs offer a variety of family-focused services to expectant parents and families with new babies and young children. They address issues such as maternal and child health, positive parenting practices, safe home environments, and access to services. Data for the program administered by the Department of Human Services. In FY 2014, some funding for Parents Too Soon (non-GRF) was shifted to the Department of Public Health.  This funding did not involve home visiting. Dollar amounts in thousands. Total MIECHV funds include federal formula and competitive grant funding by federal fiscal year.

Data Source

Governor's Office of Management and Budget, Budget Books available here


GRF: General Revenue Fund; MIECHV: Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting

Last Updated

December 2023