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Low birth-weight babies in Illinois

Low birth-weight babies

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Note: Non-consecutive years appear adjacent in the trend line
because one or more years have been deselected.

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Definition and Source



Low birth-weight is defined as live births weighing less than 2,500 grams (about 5.5 pounds). Data represent two-year proportions.

Data Source

Illinois Department of Public Health, Birth Statistics, available here.


S: Data Suppressed. This indicates that standards of reliability were not met. In this case, IDPH suppresses estimates for which the numerator is less than 10.

Data represent two-year proportions.

"*" indicates that standards of reliability were not met.  In this case, IDPH suppresses estimates for which the numerator is less than 10.
Data represent two-year proportions.

"*" indicates that standards of reliability were not met.  In this case, IDPH suppresses estimates for which the numerator is less than 10.
Updated estimates for 2022-2023 are not yet available as of December 2023. They are anticipated in Fall 2024.

Last Updated

November 2022