Change Indicator

Children with neonatal abstinence syndrome in Tennessee

Children with neonatal abstinence syndrome

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Definition and Source



Number of newborn babies clinical signs of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS). Rate is per 1,000 live births. 

Data Source

NAS data were reported to the Department of Health by hospitals in Tennessee.
The number of NAS babies were collected from Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Surveillance System, Division of Family Health and Wellness, Tennessee Department of Health.
Live births data were received from the Office of Population Health Surveillance, Division of Population Health Assessment, Tennessee Department of Health. The Kids Count division of the Tennessee Commission on Children and Youth organized data and calculated rates. 


* Data for counties with 1-4 cases suppressed due to privacy concerns. From 2020 counties with 1-10 cases were suppressed. Counties refer to maternal county of residence.
State total includes suppressed cases and cases with unknown county.
NA= Rates were not calculated for suppressed cases. 

Last Updated

July 2023