New Mexico
Statistics on children, youth and families in New Mexico from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and New Mexico Voices for Children
Child population ages 5 to 17 by nativity
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Definition and Source
The percentage of the state population, ages 5-17 years, that is either native-born or foreign-born. For example, in 2022, 17.9% of the entire population of New Mexico were native-born children ages 5-17.
Data Source
U.S. Census, American Community Survey, 1-Year estimates, Table S0501.
Native-born is defined as those born within the U.S. or a U.S. territory and those born abroad to at least one American parent. Nativity should not be confused with immigration status or citizenship status. While all who are native-born are U.S. citizens, those who are foreign-born can be immigrants or naturalized U.S. citizens. Families can have mixed nativity and immigration/citizenship status, meaning some members are U.S.-born and are citizens, and some members are foreign-born and are immigrants or citizens.
Availability of county-level data is very limited. Existing estimates are available by request.
New Mexico state-level data typically are from the American Community Survey 1-year estimates. As a result of COVID-19 data collection challenges, the 2020 New Mexico state-level data are 5-year estimates and not comparable to other years.
Last Updated
October 2023