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Youth services programs funding in Illinois

Youth services programs funding

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Note: Non-consecutive years appear adjacent in the trend line
because one or more years have been deselected.

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State funding for three youth programs: Homeless Youth Services, Teen Parent Services, Redeploy Illinois that are administered by Illinois Department of Human Services. Dollar amounts in thousands.
  1. Homeless Youth Services addresses the immediate survival needs (food, clothing, and shelter) of youth and assists them in becoming self-sufficient. 
  2. Teen Parent Services help young parents who have not completed high school or its equivalent. Goals include reducing subsequent pregnancy, improving parenting skills; and ensuring healthy development of their young children.
  3. Redeploy Illinois is designed to provide services to youth between the ages of 13 and 18 who are at high risk of being committed to the Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice.  Services include case management, court advocacy, education assistance, crisis intervention, and individual, family, and group counseling.

Data Source

Governor's Office of Management and Budget, Budget Books available here.


N.A.: Not Available.

Last Updated

December 2023