Statistics on children, youth and families in Georgia from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Georgia Family Connection Partnership
Children leaving foster care who are reunified with their families or placed with a relative within 12 months of entering foster care in Georgia
Children leaving foster care who are reunified with their families or placed with a relative within 12 months of entering foster care
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Definition and Source
Numerator: Number of children exiting Foster Care who are reunified with their birth families or legally placed with a relative within 12 months of entering care. Denominator: Number of children exiting Foster Care who are reunified with their birth families or legally placed with a relative. Rates Calculation: 100 times the numerator divided by the denominator.
Data Source
Division of Family and Children Services, Georgia Department of Human Resources.
S: Data Suppressed indicates that there were 4 or fewer events on which rates would be based.
Last Updated
December 2023