New Mexico
Statistics on children, youth and families in New Mexico from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and New Mexico Voices for Children
Chronic absentee rates
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Why This Indicator Matters
School attendance and academic success are positively linked. Students who are frequently absent are at serious risk of falling behind in school, having lower test scores and ultimately dropping out. This, in turn, can reduce employment and earning potential in adulthood.
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Definition and Source
A student is identified as chronically absent when the student has missed 10% or more of classes or school days within a school year for any reason.
The time frames reflect school years (SY).
The time frames reflect school years (SY).
Data Source
Data prior to SY 2015–16 had been available at New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) Fact Sheets, "Habitual Truant Students by District and School Type": http://www.ped.state.nm.us/it/schoolfactsheets.html. Data for SY 2015–16 through SY 2020–2021 were obtained by custom data request from the NMPED. Data for all other school years were obtained at NMPED's public dashboard, "Annual State, Districts, and Schools Attendance Report": https://webnew.ped.state.nm.us/bureaus/safe-healthy-schools/attendance-for-success/annual-state-districts-and-schools-attendance-report/
Data reflect the number of chronically absent students enrolled in Charter, Off-Site, Public, and State-Supported schools.
Data by school district available upon request.
Data by school district available upon request.
Last Updated
December 2023