Change Indicator

Juvenile case filings by type in Indiana

Juvenile case filings by type

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Note: Non-consecutive years appear adjacent in the trend line
because one or more years have been deselected.

Definition and Source



Delinquency: number of cases filed in Indiana courts on behalf of children younger than age 18 who were alleged to be delinquent.

Miscellaneous: The number of cases filed in Indiana courts on behalf of children younger than age 18 that were considered miscellaneous.

Status Offense: The number of cases filed in Indiana courts on behalf of children younger than age 18 who were alleged to have committed status offenses (i.e., acts that would not have been defined as offenses if committed by an adult).

Paternity: The number of paternity cases filed in Indiana courts.

Termination of Parental Rights: The number of new cases filed in Indiana courts seeking termination of parental rights. In cases involving multiple children, a case is filed for each child.

Data Source

Indiana Supreme Court, Division of State Court Administration

Last Updated

August 2018