North Dakota
Statistics on children, youth and families in North Dakota from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and North Dakota KIDS COUNT
Uninsured children age birth to 18 (annual estimates) in North Dakota
Uninsured children age birth to 18 (annual estimates)
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Definition and Source
This indicator represents the number of children under the age of 19 who are not covered by health insurance.
The denominator for the percentage is the total child population age birth through 18 in respective geographic areas.
The denominator for the percentage is the total child population age birth through 18 in respective geographic areas.
Data Source
U.S. Census Bureau, Small Area Health Insurance Estimates, http://www.census.gov//did/www/sahie/.
estimates are based on statistical models combining survey data with population estimates and administrative records - and are subject to modeling
error. Margins of error corresponding to a 90 percent confidence interval for each estimate can be found at
Uninsured children age birth to 18 (annual estimates).
Last Updated
August 2024