Statistics on children, youth and families in Washington from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Children's Alliance
Child care provider rate
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Note: Non-consecutive years appear adjacent in the trend line
because one or more years have been deselected.
because one or more years have been deselected.
Definition and Source
The median monthly cost of child care services by age group and provider type. The median rate is the dollar amount at which half of the providers charge the same or higher and the other half charge the same or lower.
Data Source
ChildCare Aware of Washington. Data were retrieved in June 2024 and are available at https://childcareawarewa.org/advocacy/#data.
Data last updated in June 2024 by Washington KIDS COUNT.
The cost calculations are based on provider reports and are not adjusted for inflation. According to ChildCare Aware of Washington, more than 90% of the providers in the counties reported their child care rates for infant, toddler and pre-school age groups. The provider reporting rate is lower for school-age group.
The age groups are defined as follow:
Infant: (Less than 1 year old)
Toddler: (1 to 2.5 year old)
Pre-school: (2.5 to 5 year old)
School-age: (6 years or older)
The school-age rates do not include kindergarten.
N.A. indicates that there are either no child care providers serving the particular age group in the county or at least one provider served that age group in that county, but either (a) no rates were reported or (b) there were very few providers for the age group (three or fewer) and none of them gave permission to publish their rates.
Providers use different rate schedules (hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly) in specifying their rates. For those providers using a rate schedule other than monthly, the Network converts the rate to monthly terms.
While some providers give discounts when caring for two or more children from the same family, these are not included in the calculations.
For school-age, the rates shown are the before- and after-school rates. The rates for school-age children indicate rates during the school year. The rates for school-age children during the summer are approximately the same as for pre-school children.
The cost calculations are based on provider reports and are not adjusted for inflation. According to ChildCare Aware of Washington, more than 90% of the providers in the counties reported their child care rates for infant, toddler and pre-school age groups. The provider reporting rate is lower for school-age group.
The age groups are defined as follow:
Infant: (Less than 1 year old)
Toddler: (1 to 2.5 year old)
Pre-school: (2.5 to 5 year old)
School-age: (6 years or older)
The school-age rates do not include kindergarten.
N.A. indicates that there are either no child care providers serving the particular age group in the county or at least one provider served that age group in that county, but either (a) no rates were reported or (b) there were very few providers for the age group (three or fewer) and none of them gave permission to publish their rates.
Providers use different rate schedules (hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly) in specifying their rates. For those providers using a rate schedule other than monthly, the Network converts the rate to monthly terms.
While some providers give discounts when caring for two or more children from the same family, these are not included in the calculations.
For school-age, the rates shown are the before- and after-school rates. The rates for school-age children indicate rates during the school year. The rates for school-age children during the summer are approximately the same as for pre-school children.
Last Updated
June 2024