Statistics on children, youth and families in Indiana from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Indiana Youth Institute
Public school students receiving free or reduced price lunches in Indiana
Public school students receiving free or reduced price lunches
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Note: Non-consecutive years appear adjacent in the trend line
because one or more years have been deselected.
because one or more years have been deselected.
Definition and Source
FREE: Number and percentage of public school students who
received free lunches. Students from families with incomes below 130%
of the poverty guidelines are eligible to enroll in the free lunch
REDUCED: Number and percentage of public school students who received reduced priced lunches.
REDUCED: Number and percentage of public school students who received reduced priced lunches.
Data Source
Indiana Department of Education, http://www.doe.in.gov/accountability/find-school-and-corporation-data-reports
County aggregates for SY 2006 and beyond calculated by the Indiana Youth Institute using school corporation's respective county locations from IDOE data.
Pre-2006 aggregates calculated by the Indiana Business Research Center and does not include raw number of students.
County aggregates for SY 2006 and beyond calculated by the Indiana Youth Institute using school corporation's respective county locations from IDOE data.
Pre-2006 aggregates calculated by the Indiana Business Research Center and does not include raw number of students.
Starting in 2014, Schools and Districts may be enrolled in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP), which means students who are not income eligible may be receiving free lunch. The numbers reported here include only those students who are income eligible.
Last Updated
February 2022