Change Indicator

Public school enrollment in District of Columbia

Public school enrollment

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Note: Non-consecutive years appear adjacent in the trend line
because one or more years have been deselected.

Definition and Source



(Number) Number of public school students enrolled by school type.

Data Source

School year 1990-91 from the 2000 Kids Count archives.
School years 2001-02 through 2016-17 from the Office of State Superintendent of Education, October Audited Enrollment Data, including students for whom residency was not verified.

For consistency with earlier years, data from 2017-18 onward (still pull from the annual OSSE audited enrollment file, but) are based on the funding formula (UPSFF) enrollment rather than total audited public and non-public October enrollment. This number covers DC residents enrolled in public schools in the District but excludes students placed in non-public schools. By contrast, the total audited enrollment number (often listed as the enrollment number, but not what's reported here) includes students enrolled in DC schools but placed in non-public schools, as well as unverified resident students and tuition-paying non-resident public school students.


1997-1998 enrollment data for public charter not available. Data represent audited enrollment not the October certified (reported) enrollment.

Updated April 2023

Last Updated

April 2023