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Child care assistance recipients age birth to 13 in North Dakota

Child care assistance recipients age birth to 13

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Note: Non-consecutive years appear adjacent in the trend line
because one or more years have been deselected.

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Definition and Source



This indicator represents the number of children ages 0 through 13 whose families receive North Dakota Child Care Assistance. The purpose of the Child Care Assistance Program is to help with child care costs for low-income families while they are working or participating in allowable training or allowable education programs. For eligible families, the North Dakota Department of Human Services pays a percentage of their child-care bill determined by using a sliding fee scale. Payment is made directly to the child care provider.

The denominator for the percentage is the total child population ages 0 through 13 in respective geographic areas.

Data Source

Numerator: North Dakota Department of Human Services, Decision Support Services,
Denominator: U.S. Census populations with bridged race categories from the National Center for Health Statistics.


GEOGRAPHY: Data reflect place of residence. 
DATE: Fiscal Year (July 1 - June 30)
NOTES - Data for state fiscal year 2020 and 2021 is not reported for four counties in the Dakota Central area (Mercer, McLean, Oliver, and Sheridan), as these counties had data matched to county of service rather than county of residence. 

Last Updated

June 2023