Change Indicator

Population of infants (birth to 1), children age 1 to 14, and adolescents age 15-19. in Arizona

Population of infants (birth to 1), children age 1 to 14, and adolescents age 15-19.

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Definition and Source



The number of people in each age group. The percent figures represent the number of people in that age group as a percent of the total population for that geographic region.

Data Source

Arizona Health and Vital Statistics , Population Heath and Vital Statistics.


*Two data sources were utilized in producing the 2007 population estimates. The totals for the State and each of its counties agree with the projections released by the Department of Economic Security (DES) on March 31, 2006 ( The percentages of population breakdowns by single-year of age, gender and race/ethnicity were derived from the “Bridged-Race Vintage 2006 Postcensal Population Estimates for Calculating Vital Rates”, available from the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS: These percentages were then applied to total state and county population projections for 2007 from DES.
*Two data sources were utilized in producing the 2006 population estimates. The totals for the State and each of its counties agree with the projections released by the Department of Economic Security (DES) on March 31, 2006 ( The percentages of population breakdowns by single-year of age, gender and race/ethnicity were derived from the “Bridged-Race Vintage 2005 Postcensal Population Estimates for Calculating Vital Rates”, available from the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS: These percentages were then applied to total state and county population projections for 2006 from DES. The 2006 population estimates by race/ethnicity should not be compared with the previously published estimates for 2001-2005, which used the 2000 year census shares.
*In order to obtain the 2005 population denominators, the 2000 percentages of population breakdowns (or census shares) were applied to total state and county population estimates for 2005 released by the Department of Economic Security on 2/23/2006.
*In order to obtain the 2004 population denominators, the 2000 percentages of population breakdowns (or census shares) were applied to total state and county population estimates for 2004 released by the Department of Economic Security on December 13, 2004
* In order to obtain the 2003 population denominators, the 2000 percentages of population breakdowns (or census shares) by age group and gender were applied to total state and county population estimates for 2003 released by the Department of Economic Security on 12/11/03.
*In order to obtain the 2002 population denominators, the 2000 percentages of population breakdowns (or census shares) by age group and gender were applied to total state and county population estimates for 2002 released by the Department of Economic Security on 12/6/02.
*In order to obtain the 2001 population denominators, the 2000 percentages of population breakdowns (or census shares) by age group and gender were applied to total state and county population estimates released by the Department of Economic Security on 4/26/2002 (

Last Updated

November 2024