Statistics on children, youth and families in Pennsylvania from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children
Publicly Funded, High-Quality Pre-K - Number of children enrolled by program and percent of population in Pennsylvania
Publicly Funded, High-Quality Pre-K - Number of children enrolled by program and percent of population
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because one or more years have been deselected.
Why This Indicator Matters
While there is no universal definition for “high-quality” pre-k, the National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) has established 10 minimum policy benchmarks for highly effective preschool programs.[5] Based on NIEER’s analysis, to be considered high-quality, pre-k programs must follow early learning and development standards, employ well educated and trained teachers, have small class sizes with a staff to child ratio of 1:10 or better, and use continuous quality improvement systems. Pennsylvania’s quality improvement system is known as Keystone STARS and provides participating early learning programs with a quality rating score from STAR 1 to STAR 4, with the higher STAR level representing higher quality standards.[6] Programs must meet certain quality standards relating to staff education, learning environment, leadership/management, and family/community partnerships at each STAR level.
[1] Workman, S. & Ullrich, R. (2017). Quality 101: Identifying the Core Components of a High-Quality Early Childhood Program. Center for American Progress.
[2] City of Philadelphia. (2024) Quality Pre-K. Office of Children and Families.,rates%2C%20and%20higher%20earning%20potential
[3] Schoch, A., Gerson, C., Halle, T., & Bredeson, M. (2023). Children’s Learning and Development Benefits from High-Quality Early Care and Education: A Summary of the Evidence. Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
[4] Child Trends. (2018). High-Quality Preschool can Support Healthy Development and Learning.
[5] National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER). (2019). Download NIEER’s Benchmark for High-Quality Pre-K.
[6] Pennsylvania Department of Education. (2024). Keystone STARS.,%2C%20and%20family%2Fcommunity%20partnerships
Definition and Source
Percentages represent total child population ages 3 to 4 served.
Early Head Start enrollments are excluded since the age is not the pre-kindergarten targeted population of ages 3 and 4 years.
Data Source
Population estimates are provided by the Pennsylvania State Data Center and Pennsylvania Department of Health.
Beginning with 2013-14 data,
- the Head Start category only includes Federal Head Start data
- the Pre-K Counts category is no longer used
- the unduplicated count of children in Pre-K Counts, Head Start - State, and Child Care Works in Keystone STAR 3 or 4 providers was added. This data is not available for prior years.
NOTE: The 2015-16 county totals do not compare to the Path Forward Report issued in December 2016. The numbers in this table are unduplicated at the county level; whereas, the Path Forward report is based on enrollment within each facility.
Data not available for 2017-18.
S = Suppressed.
Last Updated