New Mexico
Statistics on children, youth and families in New Mexico from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and New Mexico Voices for Children
Children birth to age 17 living with foreign-born parents in New Mexico
Data Selected
Children birth to age 17 living with foreign-born parents (Percent) - 2013-2022
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Definition and Source
The percentage of children ages 0-17 living in their own families, in which one or both parents are foreign-born.
Data Source
U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 1-year estimates, Tables B05009 and B01001.
The percentage is calculated by dividing the number of children ages 0-17 living in their own families, in which one or both parents are foreign-born, by the total number of children under 18 years of age.
While a significant percentage of New Mexico children live with foreign-born parents, the vast majority of the children are, themselves, native-born. Native-born is defined as those born within the U.S. or a U.S. territory and those born abroad to at least one American parent. Nativity should not be confused with immigration status or citizenship status. While all who are native-born are U.S. citizens, those who are foreign-born can be immigrants or naturalized U.S. citizens. Families can have mixed nativity and immigration/citizenship status, meaning some members are U.S.-born and are citizens, and some members are foreign-born and are immigrants or citizens.
County-level data are available by request.
New Mexico state-level data typically are from the American Community Survey 1-year estimates. As a result of COVID-19 data collection challenges, the 2020 New Mexico state-level data are 5-year estimates and not comparable to other years.
Last Updated
October 2023