Puerto Rico
Statistics on children, youth and families in Puerto Rico from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Youth Development Institute
Children of female-headed families in poverty
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Why This Indicator Matters
Parents struggling with financial hardship have fewer resources to invest in their children and are more prone to stress and depression, which can interfere with effective parenting. Children growing up in single parent families typically have access to fewer economic resources and valuable time with adults than children in two-parent families who can share the responsibilities. For example, in 2020, 75% of single female families had incomes below poverty line, compared with 34% of married couples with children. While children growing up in poverty is one of the greatest threats to healthy child development. It increases the likelihood that a child will be exposed to factors that can impair his or her brain development and lead to poor academic, cognitive and health outcomes. It also can result in higher rates of risky health-related behaviors among adolescents. Extended exposure to poverty also contributes to worse teen and adult outcomes. And the risks posed by economic hardship are greatest among children who experience poverty when they are young and among those who experience persistent and deep poverty. The child poverty rate in Puerto Rico has remain constant, around 56% and 57%, for at least 10 years.
These findings underscore the importance of two-generation strategies, which address the needs of parents and children at the same time so that both can succeed together.
Definition and Source
These values reflect the percentage of children under 18 years old in female headed families living below the poverty level as defined by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget. For example, in 2020, the poverty threshold for a family of two adults and two children was $26,246.
To determine the family income it is considered: earnings, unemployment compensation, workers' compensation, Social Security, Supplemental Security Income, public assistance, veterans' payments, survivor benefits, pension or retirement income, interest, dividends, rents, royalties, income from estates, trusts, educational assistance, alimony, child support, assistance from outside the household, and other miscellaneous sources.
On the other side, these values does not includes information about unrelated individuals under age 15, institutional group quarters (such as prisons or nursing homes), nursing homes, college dormitories, military barracks and people living situations without conventional housing (and who are not in shelters). Also noncash benefits like food stamps, housing subsides, capital gain or losses, and the income of non- relatives in the household are not considered.
To determine the family income it is considered: earnings, unemployment compensation, workers' compensation, Social Security, Supplemental Security Income, public assistance, veterans' payments, survivor benefits, pension or retirement income, interest, dividends, rents, royalties, income from estates, trusts, educational assistance, alimony, child support, assistance from outside the household, and other miscellaneous sources.
On the other side, these values does not includes information about unrelated individuals under age 15, institutional group quarters (such as prisons or nursing homes), nursing homes, college dormitories, military barracks and people living situations without conventional housing (and who are not in shelters). Also noncash benefits like food stamps, housing subsides, capital gain or losses, and the income of non- relatives in the household are not considered.
Data Source
U.S. Census Bureau. American Community Survey. 5-Year Estimates. Retrieve from: www.data.census.gov
Last Updated
May 2024