West Virginia
Statistics on children, youth and families in West Virginia from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and West Virginia's KIDS COUNT
Births to unmarried teens (ages 10-19)
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Definition and Source
At a state and county level, this indicator is the percentage of all live births to unmarried girls ages 10-19. At a national level, the percentage represents live births that are to unmarried women under 20 years of age.
At a state and county level, this indicator is based on a three-year total. The numerator is the number of births to unmarried teens ages 10-19; the denominator is the total number of births. National data is based on one year of data.
Indicator clarification: Due to the small number of births to unmarried teens in some counties, a small change in the actual number may result in a large percentage change for trend data. The base population for this indicator is births to all mothers, regardless of age.
At a state and county level, this indicator is based on a three-year total. The numerator is the number of births to unmarried teens ages 10-19; the denominator is the total number of births. National data is based on one year of data.
Indicator clarification: Due to the small number of births to unmarried teens in some counties, a small change in the actual number may result in a large percentage change for trend data. The base population for this indicator is births to all mothers, regardless of age.
Data Source
WV Department of Health and Human Resources, Bureau of Public Health, Office of Epidemiology and Health Promotion, Health Statistics Center.
At a state and county level, this indicator is based on a three-year total. The numerator is the number of births to unmarried teens ages 10-19; the denominator is the total number of births. National data is based only on 2006 data. Indicator Clarification: Due to the small number of births to unmarried teens in some counties, a small change in the actual number may result in a large percentage change for trend data. The base population for this indicator is births to all mothers, regardless of age.
Last Updated
April 2014