Change Indicator

Eligible children served by Head Start (ages 3 - 4) in West Virginia

Eligible children served by Head Start (ages 3 - 4)

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Note: Non-consecutive years appear adjacent in the trend line
because one or more years have been deselected.

Definition and Source



The percentage of all eligible children 3-4 years old who are participating in funded positions in Head Start.

Data Source

(1990) Department of Health and Human Services, Region III. Administration for Children and Families, Office for Community Programs, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  (2007 to present) WV Head Start Association.


In some counties, the percentage of children 3-4 years old funded by Head Start exceeds the percentage of children in poverty; this may be due to (1) the poverty percentage is estimated by the Census Bureau and, therefore, may not be exact; (2) the population of 3 and 4-year-olds is estimated by the Census Bureau and, therefore, may not be exact, and/or (3) guidelines for the program allow up to 10% of children enrolled in Head Start to exceed the poverty level. 

Last Updated

March 2015