Change Indicator

Children participating in the Basic Food program in Washington

Children participating in the Basic Food program

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Note: Non-consecutive years appear adjacent in the trend line
because one or more years have been deselected.

Definition and Source



Number and percent of children under age 18 who are served by the Basic Food Program.

Note that even though the number of under 18 children served represents income-eligible children, the percent figures do not represent percent of all income-eligible children served. Instead, the percent figures represent percent of all under 18 children in the area, regardless of income level. Therefore, in percentage calculation, the numerator is number of under 18 children served while the denominator is total under 18 child population.

Data Source

Client counts come from the Washington state Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS), Research and Data Analysis, Client Services Database which compiles client service and expenditures records from more than 20 of the agency's client record and payment systems. The figures reported here are also referred to as “User rates” in their annual report. Data were retrieved on November 25, 2019 from



Data last updated in November 2019 by Washington KIDS COUNT.

"Basic Food provides benefits to individuals and families with incomes below 130 percent of federal poverty and whose resources are below established limits. Effective October 2008, eligibility for Food Assistance increased to include individuals and families with income up to 200 percent of FPL. The program is comprised of the federal Food Stamp Program and the state Food Assistance Program for legal immigrants ineligible for the federal FSP," published online at

Last Updated

November 2019