Change Indicator

Children enrolled in public health care programs in Ohio

Children enrolled in public health care programs

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Note: Non-consecutive years appear adjacent in the trend line
because one or more years have been deselected.

Why This Indicator Matters

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Definition and Source



The percentage of children receiving health insurance at some point during the year through Medicaid or the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), called Healthy Start and Healthy Families.


Data Source

Medicaid enrollment: ODJFS special data request, number of children enrolled in public health care (Medicaid or SCHIP). Calculations by CDF-Ohio.

Child population: Census Population Estimates (PEP) for under 18 population.




The percent is calculated by dividing the number of children enrolled in Medicaid by the child population for that year. Calculations performed by Children’s Defense Fund-Ohio.

Last Updated

July 2014