North Carolina
Statistics on children, youth and families in North Carolina from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and NC Child
Births to women receiving very late or no prenatal care in North Carolina
Births to women receiving very late or no prenatal care
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Definition and Source
The number and percentage of births from 1995–2009 that occurred to mothers who reported receiving prenatal care only in the third trimester of their pregnancy, or who reported receiving no prenatal care.
The 2003 U.S. Standard Certificate of Live Birth, which was implemented in North Carolina during 2010, captures prenatal care and education data in a manner that differs from the prior certificate. Due to data compatibility issues that information is not be available for 2010. Therefore, prenatal care for these data from 1995–2010 should not be compared to 2011–2021 data.
The 2003 U.S. Standard Certificate of Live Birth, which was implemented in North Carolina during 2010, captures prenatal care and education data in a manner that differs from the prior certificate. Due to data compatibility issues that information is not be available for 2010. Therefore, prenatal care for these data from 1995–2010 should not be compared to 2011–2021 data.
Although data are no longer being collected for the indicator covering this time frame, the data presented in the indicator may benefit those wishing to examine trends over time.
Data accessed March 2013.
Data accessed March 2013.
Last Updated
April 2011