North Carolina
Statistics on children, youth and families in North Carolina from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and NC Child
Children in foster care
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Definition and Source
The number of individuals under age 22 placed in foster care during the state fiscal year (July – June).
Data Source
Rolling quarters are used to specify a year. Foster care refers to children placed under legal custody of the North Carolina Department of Social Services who are placed with relatives, in emergency shelters, group homes, residential facilities or other approved placements.
Totals for counties and state may include youths age 18 through age 21.
Although data are no longer being collected for the indicator covering this time frame, the data presented in the indicator may benefit those wishing to examine trends over time.
Totals for counties and state may include youths age 18 through age 21.
Although data are no longer being collected for the indicator covering this time frame, the data presented in the indicator may benefit those wishing to examine trends over time.
Last Updated
February 2022