Change Indicator

Students enrolled in free and reduced lunch in North Carolina

Students enrolled in free and reduced lunch

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Note: Non-consecutive years appear adjacent in the trend line
because one or more years have been deselected.

Definition and Source



The percent of students who receive school lunch free or at a reduced price.

Calculated as the total number of children on free or reduced price lunch divided by average daily membership (ADM). To be eligible for free lunch under the National School Lunch Act students must live in households earning at or below 130 percent of the Federal poverty guidelines. To be eligible for reduced price lunch, students must live in households earning at or below 185 percent of the Federal poverty guidelines.


State totals have been revised to exclude Charter Schools.

Although data are no longer being collected for the indicator covering this time frame, the data presented in the indicator may benefit those wishing to examine trends over time.

Data accessed September 2021.

Last Updated

September 2021