Change Indicator

Low birth-weight births in Arizona

Low birth-weight births

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Note: Non-consecutive years appear adjacent in the trend line
because one or more years have been deselected.

Definition and Source



Number of infants born with a birth-weight of less than 2,501 grams (5lbs 8 oz.) in the calendar year, by county of residence for mother.

Percentage is the number of low birth-weight births by county of residence divided by the total births by county of residence.

Data Source

Arizona Health and Vital Statistics (Various Years), Bureau of Public Health Statistics, Various Health Statistics, Births Section, Arizona Department of Health Services; Table 5B-16.


The 2007 low birth-weight figures include 16 cases where the county of birth was not known.  The 2007 figures for total births include 54 cases where the county of birth was not known.

N.A.: Not Available; S: Data Suppressed.

Last Updated

October 2023