Statistics on children, youth and families in Nebraska from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and VOICES for Children in Nebraska
Summer Food Program
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Definition and Source
Average Daily number of Meals Served by the Summer Food Program in 2008.
Data Source
Nebraska Department of Education.
* indicates that Summer Food Service Program is not offered in that county.
The Summer Food Program average daily numbers of meals is calculated by dividing the total number of meals served in a month at each site by the number of operating days. Some sites serve breakfast only, lunch only, or both breakfast and lunch. To calculate a daily average, the meal (either breakfast or lunch) with the greatest number of meals served was selected to calculate the daily average for each site. Then all average daily meals at each site in a county were averaged to create a county average.
The Summer Food Program average daily numbers of meals is calculated by dividing the total number of meals served in a month at each site by the number of operating days. Some sites serve breakfast only, lunch only, or both breakfast and lunch. To calculate a daily average, the meal (either breakfast or lunch) with the greatest number of meals served was selected to calculate the daily average for each site. Then all average daily meals at each site in a county were averaged to create a county average.
Last Updated
June 2013