Change Indicator

Children under age 6 poisoned by lead in Minnesota

Children under age 6 poisoned by lead

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Definition and Source



Number of children 0-5 tested with confirmed and unconfirmed blood lead levels of 5 micrograms per deciliter or greater. Confirmed cases are those with a venous blood test >=5 mcg/dL or 2 capillary tests within 72 days both >=5 mcg/dL. Unconfirmed cases are those who had a single capillary test >=5 mcg/dL. 

Data Source

Minnesota Department of Health, Environmental Health Division.
Available: Query Minnesota childhood blood lead levels - MN Public Health Data Access portal - MN Data (


In 2014, the definition for elevated lead levels changed from 10 micrograms per deciliter to 5 micrograms per deciliter.

Last Updated

December 2023