Statistics on children, youth and families in Michigan from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Michigan League for Public Policy
Children ages birth to 18 insured by MiChild
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Note: Non-consecutive years appear adjacent in the trend line
because one or more years have been deselected.
because one or more years have been deselected.
Definition and Source
The number of children ages birth to 18 insured by MiChild, as of December of the year listed. The percent is based on the population ages birth to 18 of the previous year.
MIChild is a health insurance program for uninsured children of Michigan's working families. MIChild services are provided by many HMOs and other health care plans throughout Michigan.
MIChild is a health insurance program for uninsured children of Michigan's working families. MIChild services are provided by many HMOs and other health care plans throughout Michigan.
Data Source
Maximus (1999-2015 data); Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, special run (2016-current year data).
City-level data were found to be unreliable due to discrepancies within city population counts and have been removed.
Last Updated
February 2024