Change Indicator

Licensed early learning centers in Louisiana

Licensed early learning centers

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Note: Non-consecutive years appear adjacent in the trend line
because one or more years have been deselected.

Definition and Source



Licensed early learning centers by license type.

Data Source

Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services, Bureau of Licensing and Louisiana Department of Education.


The Louisiana Department of Education licenses early learning centers in Louisiana. Licensed facilities must meet minimum standards regarding health and safety, program activities, staff training, environment, and child/staff ratios. Some programs serving young children are exempt from the Louisiana DOE licensing regulations and are thus excluded from this count. Exempt facilities include: private or public day schools serving children in grades one and above or operating kindergartens or prekindergarten programs, as well as certified Montessori schools, camps, and some part-day programs.

In Louisiana, centers can receive a Type I, Type II or Type III license. Requirements vary for each type of licensing. Only Type III centers are eligible to receive most sources of government funding for early learning centers. Type III centers are required to participate in Louisiana's accountability system for early childhood education programs.

N.A.: license type data are not reported prior to 2017.

Last Updated

December 2023