Statistics on children, youth and families in Nevada from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Children's Advocacy Alliance
Cases involving secure detention 2019-2022 (ages 10-17) in Nevada
Cases involving secure detention 2019-2022 (ages 10-17)
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Definition and Source
“‘Detention’ refers to youth held in secure detention facilities at some point during court processing of delinquency cases- i.e., prior to disposition. In some jurisdictions, the detention population may also include youth held in secure detention to await placement following a court disposition. The purposed [sic] of DMC, detention may also include youth held in jails and lockups. Detention should NOT include youth held in shelters, group homes, or other non-secure facilities.”
Data Source
Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Child Family Services, Juvenile Justice Programs Office.
Data for 2019-2022 includes only students age 10 through 17.
Last Updated
February 2024