Statistics on children, youth and families in Idaho from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Idaho Voices for Children
ISAT tenth-grade math 2007-2013
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Definition and Source
Percentage of 10th grade students scoring advanced, proficient, basic, and below basic in math on the Spring Idaho Standards Achievement Tests (ISAT). No scores are available for Spring 2014 because that was a field testing year for the revised assessment. The assessment took a different format starting in 2015. The assessment took a different format starting in 2015. No scores are available for Spring 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic.
NA = Not Available. Test scores from some districts are not available because low student populations yield privacy concerns.
NA = Not Available. Test scores from some districts are not available because low student populations yield privacy concerns.
Data Source
Idaho State Department of Education
Updated November 2019.
Note regarding 2009 data:
In Fall 2008, 10th graders were allowed to take the ISAT in reading, math and language usage and "bank" those scores to meet the graduation requirement. More than 18,000 10th graders took the Fall 2008 ISAT, with a majority banking their fall scores. Consequently, a much smaller number of 10th graders participated in the Spring 2009 ISAT assessment. Therefore, the results reported by the Idaho State Department of Education for the Spring 2009 tables for 10th grade are based on a significantly smaller population of students, consisting primarily, but not entirely, of those students who did not pass the ISAT in the fall of 2008. The normal testing schedule for 10th grade resumed in Spring 2010.
Idaho Voices for Children did not include Spring 2009 data for this indicator, as including the data would affect 1) the average scale score; 2) the percent of proficient students; 3) and any conclusions drawn comparing Spring 2009 data with previous years. Comparisons should not be made between data for Spring 2009 for 10th grade and data from other years.
Note regarding 2009 data:
In Fall 2008, 10th graders were allowed to take the ISAT in reading, math and language usage and "bank" those scores to meet the graduation requirement. More than 18,000 10th graders took the Fall 2008 ISAT, with a majority banking their fall scores. Consequently, a much smaller number of 10th graders participated in the Spring 2009 ISAT assessment. Therefore, the results reported by the Idaho State Department of Education for the Spring 2009 tables for 10th grade are based on a significantly smaller population of students, consisting primarily, but not entirely, of those students who did not pass the ISAT in the fall of 2008. The normal testing schedule for 10th grade resumed in Spring 2010.
Idaho Voices for Children did not include Spring 2009 data for this indicator, as including the data would affect 1) the average scale score; 2) the percent of proficient students; 3) and any conclusions drawn comparing Spring 2009 data with previous years. Comparisons should not be made between data for Spring 2009 for 10th grade and data from other years.
Last Updated
October 2023