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People living in low-income households by birth cohort generation and race and ethnicity in United States

People living in low-income households by birth cohort generation and race and ethnicity

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Definition and Source



The share of all people who live in families with incomes less than 200% of the federal poverty level by birth cohort generation and by race and ethnicity.

The federal poverty definition consists of a series of thresholds based on family size and composition. In 2022, 200% of the poverty threshold for a family of two adults and two children was $59,356. Poverty status is not determined for people in military barracks, institutional quarters, or for unrelated individuals under age 15 (such as foster children). The data are based on income received in the 12 months prior to the survey.

Data Source

PRB analysis of data from the U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 5-year Public Use Microdata Sample files.


S - Estimates suppressed when the confidence interval around the percentage is greater than or equal to 10 percentage points.

N.A. - Data not available.

Beginning in 2020, any comparisons to prior estimates by race and ethnicity should be made with caution. Differences may be the result of demographic changes and/or differences in question wording, race reporting, or coding updates. For more information, visit the ACS Race User Note: Improvements to the Race Question

A 90 percent confidence interval for each estimate can be found at People living in low-income households by birth cohort generation and race and ethnicity.

Last Updated

July 2024