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Juvenile admissions to drug or alcohol treatment programs (1998–2020) in South Dakota

Juvenile admissions to drug or alcohol treatment programs (1998–2020)

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Note: Non-consecutive years appear adjacent in the trend line
because one or more years have been deselected.

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Definition and Source



Juvenile admissions to drug and alcohol treatment programs are youth under age 18 who receive state accredited alcohol and drug services ranging from crisis intervention to structured treatment programs. Data only represent youth who received publicly-funded services.

Data Source

The South Dakota Department of Social Services, Division of Behavioral Health


NA - Data is not reported if the number of youth is less than 4 for a geography.
DATE - Data is for state fiscal years.
NOTES - Admissions include youth under age 18 who received state accredited alcohol and drug services ranging from crisis intervention to structured treatment programs. The person is counted once for every program in which the client participated. However, if a person was admitted to the same program more than once, the person is only counted once. Admissions include both residential and outpatient treatment programs. Admission totals may include juveniles who are counted more than once if they received services at different programs. The reason for this is because the system does not track clients by a common identifier but by facility. Although the possibility of a client being counted more than once exists, it is probably uncommon.

Last Updated

December 2021