Statistics on children, youth and families in Indiana from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Indiana Youth Institute
Unemployment rate (annual average)
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Definition and Source
The annual average percent of unemployed persons in the civilian labor force. The civilian labor force includes all persons age 16 and older who are not residents of institutions or on active duty in the armed forces and are either working or looking for work.
Data Source
The Indiana Department of Workforce Development.
Obtain monthly stats by county at source website: http://www.hoosierdata.in.gov/
Obtain monthly stats by county at source website: http://www.hoosierdata.in.gov/
Please note: These data are presented as estimates only. The most recent month's data are always preliminary and are revised when the next month's data are released. Data for previous years and months reflect revisions.
Not Seasonally Adjusted. Data is for Calendar Year
Not Seasonally Adjusted. Data is for Calendar Year
Last Updated
April 2023