Change Indicator

Substantiated cases of child abuse and neglect in Illinois

Substantiated cases of child abuse and neglect

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Note: Non-consecutive years appear adjacent in the trend line
because one or more years have been deselected.

Why This Indicator Matters

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Definition and Source



An investigation of suspected child abuse/neglect has revealed credible evidence that the abuse/neglect occurred by Fiscal Year. 

  1. Facility Reports: The alleged perpetrator of a report of suspected child abuse or neglect is a staff person in an institution, day care center, day care home, group home, foster home or school and is believed to have abused or neglected a child while acting in their professional capacity or a position of trust with the alleged victim.  
  2. Family Reports: A single investigation of suspected abuse/neglect. A family report can contain multiple adult subjects and children but for statistical purposes the report is counted only once.
  3. Indicated: An investigation of suspected child abuse/neglect has revealed credible evidence that the abuse/neglect occurred.
  4. Subsequent Oral Reports: The family has previously been "indicated" for abuse/neglect or there is a previous "pending" report of suspected abuse/neglect on file in the SACWIS system.

Note: All definitions are from the Six-Year Statistics on Child Protective Services report from the Department of Children and Family Services (see data source below).

Data Source

Illinois Department of Child and Family Services, Child Protective Services Report, available here


Last Updated

December 2023