Change Indicator

Percent of all infants and toddlers that can be served by regulated child care capacity in Montana

Percent of all infants and toddlers that can be served by regulated child care capacity

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Note: Non-consecutive years appear adjacent in the trend line
because one or more years have been deselected.

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Definition and Source



Percent of all infants (age birth to 1) that can be served by the regulated child care capacity. Percent is calculated as: child care capacity/population age birth to 1.

Types of regulated facilities included in the total: Child Care Center, Group Child Care, Family Friend Neighbor, Relative Care Exempt, Legally Certified Care (In Home), and Legally Certified Care. Note: Legally Certified Care (In Home) and Legally Certified Care types ended in 9/30/19. Relative Care Exempt and Family Friend Neighbor types began 10/1/19. Head Start programs that are state licensed are included in the capacity count.

Not all infants and toddlers need child care, so this percentage is not expected to be 100%. However, this measure provides context for how many children age birth to 1 could be served by the regulated capacity for infants/toddlers. 

Data Source

Child care capacity: Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, Early Childhood and Family Support Division
Population age birth to 1: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Estimates Program


DATE - Child care capacity matches data for state fiscal year (July-June). Population estimates are for the vintage year prior matching the beginning of the state fiscal year. Example: 2020 data matches state fiscal year 2020 (July 2019-June 2020) and population estimates from 2019.

Last Updated

December 2023