Change Indicator

Licensed or registered child care providers in South Dakota

Licensed or registered child care providers

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Why This Indicator Matters

The availability of quality child care is not only important for maintaining a strong workforce; it is vital for the growth and development of healthy children.
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Definition and Source



Licensed Group Family Child Care Homes - facility that provides child care for a part of a day as a supplement to regular parental care for 13 to 20 children for more than one family.

Registered Family Child Care Homes - one in which care is given on a regular basis for any part of a twenty-four hour day to twelve or less children from more than one unrelated family.

Licensed Child Care Centers - facility which provides child care for part of a 24-hour period to 21 or more children from one or more unrelated families.

Data Source

South Dakota Department of Social Services, Office of Licensing and Accreditation


DATE - Data is a snapshot taken to represent the State Fiscal Year. In 2020, the Snapshot Data represents August 2020. All other years represent July snapshot.

Last Updated

July 2024