Statistics on children, youth and families in Michigan from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Michigan League for Public Policy
Families receiving the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) in Michigan
Families receiving the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
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Why This Indicator Matters
The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is a federal income tax break that helps low to moderate-income workers and families reduce the amount of taxes they owe or possibly increase their tax refund. Public Act 4 of 2023 expanded the Michigan EITC from 6% of the federal EITC to 30%. The EITC helps families with low incomes make ends meet and allows them to continue paying for things they need, like groceries, utilities, rent, and transportation.
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Definition and Source
The number of families who benefit from the Michigan Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). The percentage is based on the total number of tax filers.
Data Source
Michigan Department of Treasury
County and city data are rounded. The statewide total is based on unrounded numbers. Thus, rounded county data do not add up to the statewide total.
Counts are higher in 2021 due to the ARPA eligibility expansion to include people without children at the federal level. The entire increase can be explained by individuals without children (presumably 18-24 or 65+) becoming eligible for 2021 only.
Counts are higher in 2021 due to the ARPA eligibility expansion to include people without children at the federal level. The entire increase can be explained by individuals without children (presumably 18-24 or 65+) becoming eligible for 2021 only.
Last Updated
February 2024