Statistics on children, youth and families in California from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Children Now
Newborns who were not low birth-weight by race/ethnicity in California
Newborns who were not low birth-weight by race/ethnicity
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Definition and Source
The Other category includes Other, Multiple Race, American Indian, and Unknown.
Data provided and prepared by the California Department of Public Health, Epidemiology, Surveillance and Federal Reporting Branch through a special request. An asterisk (*) appears for fewer than 10 events in the numerator. To calculate “not low birth-weight,” Children Now combined intermediate and high birthweights, which includes births that were greater than or equal to 2,500 grams. Numbers and percentages are rounded to the nearest whole number. For more information on this indicator’s methodology, please contact the California Department of Public Health, Maternal Child and Adolescent Health Division.Data Source
California Department of Public Health, Maternal Child and Adolescent Health Division (n.d.). 2015-2020 Low Birthweight Dashboard.
Last Updated
January 2024