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Teen deaths by homicide, suicide and accident, ages 15 to 19 (per 100,000) by race and ethnicity in Georgia

Teen deaths by homicide, suicide and accident, ages 15 to 19 (per 100,000) by race and ethnicity

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Note: Non-consecutive years appear adjacent in the trend line
because one or more years have been deselected.

Definition and Source



Numerator: Number of deaths by accident, homicide, and suicide to Georgia teen residents ages 15 to 19. Denominator: Number of Georgia teens ages 15 to 19. Rates calculation: 100,000 times the numerator divided by the denominator.

Data Source

Death Certificate Records, Georgia Department of Public Health, Office of Health Indicators for Planning (OHIP). Data collection is the responsibility of the Vital Records Branch.


These deaths are a result of external causes, which includes Motor Vehicle Crashes (MVC), Falls, Accidental Shooting, Drowning, Fire and Smoke Exposure, Poisoning, Suffocation, All Other Unintentional Injury, Suicide, Homicide, Legal Intervention. S: Data Suppressed indicates that there were 4 or fewer events on which rates would be based.

Last Updated

May 2023