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High School graduation rates by priority populations in Maine

High School graduation rates by priority populations

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Why This Indicator Matters

All youth deserve to have access to a quality education. Students are low income, have disabilities or are learning English have additional barriers to graduation.  Students who graduate from high school have higher wages, lower unemployment and are less likely to need public assistance than those who do not graduate. Education Pays

What the data shows
The June 2023 state-level graduation rates are back up to previous levels, at 87.3%, after dipping to 86.1% in both June 2021 and June 2022.

Comparing June 2023 to June 2022, economically disadvantaged students' graduation rates increased from 77.6% in 2021 and 78.8% in 2023. English language learners rates improved from 70.4% in 2022 while the rate for students with disabilities improved from 73.2% to 74.4%.

Comparing Maine to the nation, 2021 is the latest year with data. State graduation rates for students with disabilities was 75% nationally compared to 72.8% in Maine that year.

For English language learners, Maine's 2021 high school graduation rate in 4 year sof 76% exceeded the national rate of 71.3%. For economically disadvantaged students that make up 37% of Maine's student population, the graduation rate in Maine of 76.6% for 2021 was lower than the national rates rate of 80.7%. FMI, see Express data 2020-2021 4-year cohort
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Definition and Source



The percent of youth who graduate in 4 years from public schools and 60% publicly funded private schools.  The Maine Department of education reports on graduation rates on: 1) economically disadvantaged students, 2) English Learners, and 3) students with disabilities 4) students in foster care, 5.) students who are homeless, or 6.) in migrant families or 7.) military families. Each of these groups is a priority population.


Examines a cohort of ninth graders and whether they graduated within 4 years. The year represents the end of school year, so 2023 is the school year September 2022 to June 2023.

Last Updated

April 2024