Change Indicator

Toddlers with elevated blood lead levels by single age in Vermont

Toddlers with elevated blood lead levels by single age

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Note: Non-consecutive years appear adjacent in the trend line
because one or more years have been deselected.

Why This Indicator Matters

Exposure to this environmental toxin can have serious effects on physical and mental development, and young children and pregnant women are at special risk. Lead poisoning is preventable. Vermont maintains a goal of universal screening of blood lead levels for 1 and 2 year olds. Vermont defines levels above 5 µg/dL as an elevated, but the state also recognizes that no level of exposure to lead is safe, and records and reports results for lower concentrations as well.  

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Definition and Source



The number and percent of children ages 1 and 2, among those tested, who have been found to have blood lead levels above 5 µg/dL.  

Data Source

Vermont Department of Health, Division of Environmental Health, Healthy Homes Lead Poisoning Prevention Program, Annual Reports on Program Outcomes and Activities.

Last Updated

January 2024