Change Indicator

High-Quality Child Care - Percent of child care capacity meeting high-quality standards in Pennsylvania

High-Quality Child Care - Percent of child care capacity meeting high-quality standards

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Why This Indicator Matters

Nearly 500,000 children under age 5 need child care so their parents can reliably participate in the workforce and financially support their families. Child care provides not only peace of mind to working parents but an opportunity for young children to develop, grow and learn. Research indicates that access to high-quality child care increases the likelihood that children enter school ready to succeed and their parents remain employed.

Pennsylvania’s child care system should strive to meet the comprehensive needs of children and working parents, yet 61 percent of the state’s regulated child care capacity fails to meet high-quality standards.
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Definition and Source



High-quality is defined as those regulated child care providers with Keystone STAR 3 or 4 designation or certified by a Pennsylvania state government-recognized accreditation. The deciding PA state government agency is the Office of Child Development and Early Learning within the Departments of Education and Human Services.

Child care providers serving only school-age children were removed from the analysis.

Data Source

PPC creates interactive maps with statistics by county, legislative district, and school district. Please go to for links to the maps and fact sheets.


NA = Not Available.

Last Updated

May 2024