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High School graduation rates by county in Maine

High School graduation rates by county

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Why This Indicator Matters

Students who graduate from high school have higher wages, lower unemployment and are less likely to need public assistance than those who do not graduate. Education Pays 

What the data shows
The June 2024 (87.7%) state-level graduation rates stayed consistent with June 2023 (87.3%), after dipping to 86.1% in both June 2021 and June 2022.

In 2024, Cumberland, Sagadahoc, Piscataquis and York counties had rates above 90%. In 2024, no counties had rates below 80%. Androscoggin had the lowest rate at 80.5%, followed by Somerset at 8.13%. Comparing 2023 and 2024, three counties improved their graduation rates by more than 4 percentage points. The largest gains were made in Sagadahoc, 85.9% to 92.3%, Hancock, 83.8% to 88.4%, and Waldo, 80.2% to 84.9%. One county saw a decrease in their graduation rate by more than 4 percent and that was Sagadahoc, 91.3% to 81.3%.

Nationally, for the most recent year data was available, the national graduation rate for 2021-2022 was 79%, lower than Maine's for that year which was at 86.1%.

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Definition and Source



The number and percent of youth by county who graduate in 4 years from public schools and 60% publicly funded private schools. The numerator is the number of students graduating in the state in 4 years and the denominator includes the cohort of ninth grade students 4 years prior plus all transfers in and all transfers out.

Data Source

Special data request to the Maine Department of Education for high school graduation aggregated by the county. 

Source for national comparisons, KIDS COUNT 2020-2021 Not graduating on time


The year refers to the year of graduation, so 2023 is the 2022-2023 school year. In this series, the calculation is at the student level rather than the school level.  This makes it "weighted". For example, suppose a county had 3 schools, one with 300 ninth graders and two small schools with 20 ninth graders each. If 70% of the students graduated at the large school and 95% at the two other schools, the student average would be (300x70%)= 210 graduates plus 19 + 19 graduates, so the "weighted average would be 248/340 = 72.9% for the county.

The data for the series 2009 -2013 is unweighted. This means it averages all the individual school graduation rates in a county, rather than taking all the ninth graders in the county and how many of that cohort graduated 4 years later.  In the above example, the graduation rates of the three schools would be averaged (70% +95% +95%)/3 = 86.6%.  86.6% would be the unweighted average. 

Last Updated

January 2025