Statistics on children, youth and families in Hawaii from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Hawai'i Children's Action Network
Tobacco use during pregnancy
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Definition and Source
Percentage of mothers who reported smoking cigarettes during the last three months of pregnancy
Data Source
Citation: Hawaii State Department of Health, Hawaii Health Data Warehouse, Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drug Use, Cigarettes - Smoked last 3 months of pregnancy. Hawaii Health Data Warehouse: https://hhdw.org/data-sources/. Accessed on August 9, 2024
Technical Note:
N/R - The estimate is not reported because the statistical stability is identified as "unstable" (where the Relative Standard Error (RSE) - the standard error expressed as proportion of the point estimate - is between 0.30-0.50) or "very unstable" (RSE is greater than 0.50) by the Hawaii State Department of Health. Problems with statistical instability typically occur when there is a small number of health events in a small population.
Data for the years 2017, 2018 are not available.
Data for the years 2017, 2018 are not available.
Last Updated
September 2024