Statistics on children, youth and families in Maryland from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Maryland Center on Economic Policy
Suspension population
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Definition and Source
Number of students suspended or expelled from each race/ethnicity group.
Percent refers to percentage of total suspensions in each county that belong to each race/ethnicity.
Percent refers to percentage of total suspensions in each county that belong to each race/ethnicity.
Data Source
Maryland State Department of Education
From school years 2004-2005 to 2009-2010, statistics for Asian group include both Asian & Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander figures.
These numbers include pre-k to 12th grade.
S indicates that enrollment is less than ten for subgroup. Data suppressed.
These numbers include pre-k to 12th grade.
S indicates that enrollment is less than ten for subgroup. Data suppressed.
Last Updated
December 2024