West Virginia
Statistics on children, youth and families in West Virginia from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and West Virginia's KIDS COUNT
Child and Teen Death (ages 1-19 per 100,000 children) in West Virginia
Child and Teen Death (ages 1-19 per 100,000 children)
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Definition and Source
This is the number of deaths due to all causes of children between the ages of 1-19 years per 100,000 children.
At a state and county level, this variable is a rate per 100,000 children based on a five-year total. The rate is calculated as 100,000 times the number of child deaths due to all causes divided by the total number of children ages 1-19.
Indicator clarification: Due to the small number of child deaths on the county level, a small change in the actual number may result in a large percentage change for trend data.
At a state and county level, this variable is a rate per 100,000 children based on a five-year total. The rate is calculated as 100,000 times the number of child deaths due to all causes divided by the total number of children ages 1-19.
Indicator clarification: Due to the small number of child deaths on the county level, a small change in the actual number may result in a large percentage change for trend data.
Data Source
State: WV Department of Health and Human Resources, Bureau of Public Health, Office of Epidemiology and Health Promotion, Health Statistics Center. National Deaths: Monthly Vital Statistics Report; Hyattsville, Maryland: National Center for Health Statistics.
Last Updated
September 2024