Statistics on children, youth and families in Louisiana from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Agenda for Children
Births to women who received early and adequate prenatal care by race and ethnicity in Louisiana
Births to women who received early and adequate prenatal care by race and ethnicity
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Definition and Source
Number - live births to women who received early and adequate prenatal care.
Percent - live births to women who received early and adequate prenatal care per 100 live births.
The Kotelchuck Index is used to measure early and adequate prenatal care (PNC). Early and adequate prenatal care is defined as PNC initiation begun in month 1, 2, 3 or 4 and 80% or more expected PNC visits were received.
Percent - live births to women who received early and adequate prenatal care per 100 live births.
The Kotelchuck Index is used to measure early and adequate prenatal care (PNC). Early and adequate prenatal care is defined as PNC initiation begun in month 1, 2, 3 or 4 and 80% or more expected PNC visits were received.
Data Source
Live births 2011-2022: Louisiana State Center for Health Statistics, Louisiana Department of Health.
Data presented here are not comparable to data for births that occurred prior to 2011. Louisiana began using the 2003 revised birth certificate in December 2010. Items related to prenatal care on the 2003 revision of the birth certificate are not comparable to the prenatal care items on the previous version of the birth certificate.
LNE (Low Number Event) - data are not reported when there are at least one but fewer than 5 events
S - data are suppressed when the denominator is zero
LNE (Low Number Event) - data are not reported when there are at least one but fewer than 5 events
S - data are suppressed when the denominator is zero
Last Updated
October 2024